Monday, April 13, 2015

Create Azure Stream Analytics Job through Json file

There are not good samples available for JSON files to create Stream Analytics Jobs. Here are sample which can form input to PowerShell cmdlet.

New-AzureStreamAnalyticsJob -ResourceGroupName <Any name> -File <Json file name> -Name <Stream Analytics Job Name>

Here is the Json file that can write to Blob storage.

"location":"Central US",
            "query":"select * from input"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Amazon Workspaces

Has anyone tried this exciting new technologies? What are best practices around both the server side (AWS volume mgmt etc.) and client side (security, bandwidth needs etc.)?

Share your thoughts!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

AWS - Amazon Cloud - Bundle Tasks

Bundle Tasks

A bundle task shows the process of converting a Windows instance into an AMI. Once bundling is complete and you register the AMI, you can launch copies of the instance.
This procedure is not applicable for Linux and UNIX instances or Windows instances that use Amazon EBS volumes as their root devices.
The bundling process does the following:
  • Compresses the image to minimize bandwidth usage and storage requirements
  • Encrypts and signs the compressed image to ensure confidentiality and authenticates the image against its creator
  • Splits the encrypted image into manageable parts for upload
  • Runs sysprep to strip out computer specific information (e.g., the MAC address and computer name) to prepare the Windows image for virtualization
  • Creates a manifest file that contains a list of the image parts with their checksums

View Current Bundle Tasks

  1. Use the sort options to sort the bundle tasks by bundle ID, instance ID, status, when it started, and progress.
  2. Select the bundle task to view.
    Its properties appears in the lower pane.

Register an AMI

To register an AMI
  1. Select an AMI and click Register.
    The Register AMI dialog box appears.
  2. Click Register.
    Amazon EC2 begins registering the AMI and returns an AMI ID that you can use to launch instances of it in the future.

Cancel a Bundle Task

To cancel a bundle task
  1. Select one or more bundle tasks and click Cancel.
    A confirmation dialog box appears.
  2. When prompted, click Yes, Cancel.
    Amazon EC2 begins canceling the bundle task(s).

Thursday, September 25, 2014

What can help Public/Hybrid Clouds become mainstream?

I think its network. If the network offers such speeds over WAN that you can't differentiate between a local and WAN, you can host anything anywhere including partitioning apps. Apps can retain databases on-premises and move business/presentation to the Cloud. What possibilities do you think are possible?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Setting up mobile development

How to configure Ionic on Windows

1. Download and install nodejs
This install an utility called 'npm'. 'npm' is Nodejs Package Manager. Make sure 'npm' directory is in available in PATH
2. Install Apache Cordova. Run "npm install -g cordova"
Apache Cordova is open source version of Adobe PhoneGap. 
3. Install Ionic. Run "npm install -g ionic"
Make sure both Cordova and Ionic package directories are available in PATH. In my case, 'npm' install this in 'C:\Users\<<User>>\AppData\Roaming\npm' directory

To create a sample Ionic Application (called 'todo'), execute following commands:
ionic start todo blank
cd todo
ionic platform android
ionic emulate android

The last command should start an Android emulator. However, there are sometimes teething issues that need to be handled. Emulator is chronically slow and appears to be not working without the execution of steps below.

1. Intel's virtualization technology should be enabled in BIOS
2. Make sure "Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Emulator)" is installed through Android SDK manager. The package setup needs to be executed separately as installing it through SDK manager doesn't install it.
3. While creating AVD through AVD manager, enable "Use Host GPU".

In next blog, we will hook an Ionic app to Google Cloud based app.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

AWS (Amazon Cloud) OpsWorks

Just executed a standard tutorial on running PHP applications using OpsWorks. Amazing interface and ease of use. However it lacks, ability to assign resource tags. When the stack is being created, the resource tagging should happen in a seamless way.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Compare AWS and Azure


Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Windows Azure

Computing power

Virtual machinesElastic Compute CloudRole Instances
High Performance ComputingCluster Compute InstancesHPC Scheduler
MapReduceElastic Map ReduceHadoop on Azure
Dynamic scalingAuto ScalingAuto Scaling Application Block


Unstructured storageSimple Storage ServiceAzure Blob
Flexible entitiesSimpleDBAzure Tables
Block Level StorageElastic Block StoreAzure Drive
ArchivingAmazon Glacier
Storage GatewayAWS Storage Gateway


RDBMSRelational Database ServiceSQL Azure
NoSQLDynamoDBAzure Tables




Load BalancerElastic Load BalancerFabric Controller / Traffic Manager
Hybrid CloudVirtual Private CloudAzure Connect
PeeringDirect Connect
DNSRoute 53

Messaging & Applications

Async MessagingSimple Queue ServiceAzure Queues
Push NotificationsSimple Notification ServiceService Bus
Bulk EmailSimple Email Service
WorkflowsAmazon Simple Workflow Service
SearchAmazon CloudSearch


Resource monitoringCloudWatchSystem Center


Identity ManagementIdentity Access ManagementAzure Active Directory


Resource creationCloudFormation
Web Application ContainerElastic BeanstalkWeb Role